That's fine. But kids have to understand. This hobby was created by and for adults, not children. In my opinion it would be similar to allowing kids to hold a 3-gun match, on their own, with real steal and wondering why the outcome was what it was.
Like at any shooting event I don't mind if a responsible adult attends the child. That is good. But if a mentor does not escort you then don't shot with me. That goes for airsoft too.
Then, even though you may have a parent/mentor available which may allow you to attend some games, most adults would not prefer to spend time with kids in this atmosphere. I don't go to the beach so I can swim in the kiddy pool. This is the reason for most games age limits ranging from 16 to 18 years of age. For those games that you qualify for and are held by responsible adults, I don’t mind. Many adults will most likely not attend, except for those running the event.
How many times do we have to go over this, it has been discussed at length ever year. Secondly, this thread is about legality, not about what I want. There is a whole seperate thread on "What I want", which is all that children seem to complain about. But this will never change.