FragOrder 2 (Find Recon Pod)
Location North West of Serb FOB
CT QRF unit established heavy contact with members of the SAS (Regiment) after taking casualties SAS pealed back from North to South. As several members of the main element of CT1 followed on foot. CT2 orders were to circle to the east with ASOV and dismount a quick 3 man team of boarder guards to attack the SAS from the east to west. CT2 then picked up 4 Serb Rifleman from Saguaro 1 and continued to surround the SAS from the south, after following a rough path on the south border the exact location of the SAS was lost, until Kilo 42 advised to dismount and Listen from our overwatch position on a elevated hill. Shortly voices and BBs were in the air, the SAS were just meters away on the bottom of the hill, the QRF dismounted some were hit immediately and some were scrambling to get to any cover, and the closest being even closer to the enemy. Then some of the firing shifted from CT2 to CT1 who was closing in from the North . CT2 medic Victor3 used this moment to save
SPC. Ryan by low crawling and dragging him back to the cover of the vehicle(pictured below) Narrowly missed by rounds just overhead. More brave medic rescues were performed by Gage and James from S1 and CT2 was soon up 100% just in time to sweep though and secure the SAS area who had just eliminated all of CT1.
Great Fight guys!
(Center of the Picture you can see Ryan with the red rag and Victor3(Ed) just infrot of him pulling him though the grass and back to the ASOV)