I had Tom at Red Dog Radios fill a custom request for gear for me.
I wanted to relocate the antenna on my Icom F4 radio to a different spot. I always carry one radio on the front of my body, so the antenna is in the way in one form or another. One solution to this was to deal with it, or the other was to move the antenna to a different spot out of the way.
I had made one attempt with a homemade version, but the connections were weak because I did not have the proper adapter connections. After several conversations with Tom about this, he came up with this -
Using a "Icom MX" to BNC adapter he was able to fashion a LMR195 cable to connect to the radio leading to the antenna. I was then able to relocate to a different location on the back of my gear.
I left the cable showing in this pic. I usually have it tucked underneath the mag pouches.
I put the antenna as far up on my body as I could with it interfering or getting in the way of all the ninja rolls and leaping I do playing airsoft. In this position there is probably also the small additional benefit of RX/TX clarity.
To finish it off I had the gear gurus at the Coyote Tactical Gear Labs in Tempe, AZ come up with this handy MOLLE mounted mast holder for the antenna. It holds the antenna in place very securely where ever I decide to mount it.
I like it, and it works very well for me. Toms workmanship is top notch with this piece of kit! With the addition of the antenna mast holder everything is complete for you to start chatting up the airwaves with tacticool banter between you and your friends. If this is something you might be in the market for I highly recommend Red Dog Radio!