Thanks for doing the right thing.
For people who don't know or understand. The "big deal" about wearing a "Right Shoulder Patch" or "Combat Patch" is only Soldiers authorized by the Department of the Army (It is wrote on the DD-214 which ones are authorized) after a minimum 30 day (I belive this may have changed, again) period serving in a "Combat Zone" (as in Iraq, A-stan, Kuwait, Vietnam, ect....) are auhorized to wear said patch below the Reverserd American Flag Patch. The Patch itself is of the Unit or Units the Soldier fell under or were attached too while serving in a combat zone.
So to review, the only persons authorized to wear Combat Patches are Soldiers who have been deployed to a Combat Zone.
Silverlogic was a Combat Medic and Combat Vet with 3rd ID. He earned his right to wear that patch on his right arm.
Anyway if you don't know, now you do, if you still don't understand feel free to PM me.
Oh and like I've said before if you really, really, really wanna man up and earn a kick ass patch call me. I'll find you a unit thats heading over to the big show, if that isn't what your looking for I can get you Active First and you can be part of big Army and get that combat patch that way.