Ok, personal opinion divulging....... It is my belief that though a standardized set of rules would be useful, it is unnecessary, every airsofter knows the basic rules of the game. It is merely the number of hits and specific scenario rules that change. Those are explained beforehand anyway. Also, to minors, I did not find out about AA until I was 17, mainly because I was a lazy sod, but anyway, from my starting airsoft at 15, I played with a group of friends in a park, until I was 18, and I still do it today. It is great fun, a good place to hone skills and a good learning ground. Though now I go to op and large group games, I still think that playing with your friends is one of the core beliefs of any sport. While it is good to branch out and meet new people, I have found that, for the most part, nothing I did in an organized event was unable to be replicated with my friends and I, this of course excluding all the crazy things such as real tanks, which of course there was no way in hell we were getting. Anyway, my point is, you can wait a few years till 18 before you hit all the big stuff, think, if you trained a team from 15 years to 18 years when you could all play, you could sweep the field. Just because you can't jump in the minute you get your gun, doesn't mean whine about it. Even the best NFL or NBA recruited players must do a little bench time first.