This is by no means an official answer, but is to build the backdrop.
There was a huge debate in the far, far past about whether Bios will degrade any faster than regular bb's. At the time most felt that there really was no noticeable difference. Many struggled with performance over low impact. Then Killer Beez came out with their brand, which for the longest time was LC approved. So at that time most people around here fell in line with that. Not until recently has LC shifted to use of the "earth friendly" killer beez ammo. Which are still not deemed biodegradable by the way. So I guess the best answer for now is we'll see.
Personally the thing that bothers me is those piles of bb's that people create around their vehicle or loading area. "Bio" or not, any item concentrated in a small area is very noticeable and detracts from the area. I'd say just be mindful when loading and let the bb's fly.