I like the new medic rule, couple questions please
1: if you can be healed in "no more than 5 minutes you put one the white rag", I get that but- then
2, do we call out medic or sit quietly in "shock from being wounded"? and since we are wounded do we move out of the fire fight area or again "sit head covered, hands up"?
3 during the time we get hit and sit waiting for medic do you want us to use our red rag still to denote 'the hit' along with calling out our hits???
4 what if 5 minutes pass and no one 'heals you' are then to PUT ON RED RAG and return to regen spot?
sounds like to be truley fair we should bring red & white rag plus a watch, I never know how long to sit and wait, one minutes feels like 5. 5 feels like 10 to me when people are shooting around me.
sorry airsofter1, not trying to cause problems with so many dumb questions, I am sure you will clarify game day, just been running the process in my head to be clear of what your intent is for this event, sounds like fun can't wait, even got the wife to stay with the girls for that day (half day) what will be the time period for this, 0700- ?