ok so i've had it for a year, it still shoots like it did the very first day i got it
the mag that it came with has never fed wrong (50 rd mag)
the mag i bought (450 rd) feeds very well, you just gotta wind it about every 250 rounds
its full metal accept for the stock handle and hand hold
trigger responds fairly well
fps is decent, 420 with .12
390 with .2
i have the original sling, it has metal loops and they are very sturdy
gun is very sturdy (the only acception is that the handle wobbles a bit)
the mags do not wobble AT ALL
the stock is sturdy
the adjustable iron sights don't wobble, they're very easy to sight in
the only thing is the rate of fire, its like 12 rounds per second on a full batter so i recommend a bigger battery
(there's planty of space for 8.4 volts)
overall great gun