Current player registration for the Big Game is 65.
MTT will be sending out the directions and game rules tonight to those who registered. Our field manager will try to send out the directions and waivers to players who register tomorrow (but I'm sure she has better things to do than wait for last minute registrations on a Friday night.)
For those attending, MTT will be raffling off some prizes at the game. Tickets will be $2 each or 3 for $5. Prizes include:
Spring 3 Shot DE Shotgun (Retail $60)
Two Admissions to OP: West Wing
Two for 1 Admissions to Future Events
There will also be bb's, tactical gear, and airsoft equipment for sale at discounted prices.
Finally, MTT will also be selling Annual Passes at the event for $50 that are valid until the end of the year. These passes include two free events, free admission to open games, and 50% off of future events. Players who attend the Big Game may purchase the AP at the discounted price until May 2-3 (Op: West Wing.)
Feel free to email any questions to for more info about the Urban Assault Course.