Some of the ACU guys where completely incompetent and had to stop several time for pee breaks. I mean come on seriously? At one time the so called squad leader told us not to engage targets within in range and in front of us and wanted us to move back. We where facing 3 guys against our 6 and we had a better position. It also seems like about 70% of US forces where slow, lazy, unable to follow orders, and had a defeatist attitude. It seemed like they didnt want to even be there. I was appalled by the lack of discipline and attitudes on the field today, especially the guy I emptied a box mag (over 2k of .28's at 350ish fps) on from 30 feet. He never called a single fucking hit. Others where shooting him as well and he still pussied out. Then we had the cock mongers camping spawn points. After we got the word from the ref they could not do that I shot them both point blank range in the balls, (which I saw bounce off along with several other people who saw it), others shot them and they just walked around and decided to walk back to there base. According to the rules they should have dropped right there.
But I did have a good time and I can sleep will knowing that guy is going to be fucked up from all the .28's I pelted him with. I had fun and would like to see another big game, but with out the trouble we had today. I think with just 2 squads of people who really want to be there and play hard, we would have won.
To the DH. I know you can be everywhere at once, but I tried calling several time on chan 4 to get a ref over there but I got no answer. Someone needs to have 2 radios and monitor them just for instances like this. The ref's needed a bigger presence on the field.