The NRA is a national association perpetuated by the needs of it's leadership to control something luxurious and respected.
They stopped lobbying for things that actually represent the needs of it's constituency a long, long time ago, when they became largely, an association of compromisers and capitulators.
I regret that my membership to the NRA will only end upon my death.
Wake me up when there's a GOA convention here.
Vince: bursting bubbles since 2004. :lol:
People who think they know about guns, their importance in American history, and their own "need" for them find comfort in the fact that there is a larger organization that is fighting for them.
Ignorance is bliss.
I'm not an NRA member because no one has ever really given me a good reason to join. I don't think American Rifleman is a good magazine, and really, what else will I get out of it?
Someone, please educate me on the benefits of NRA membership, that I will see come to fruition.
I think it IS a necessity to have a responsible, armed society, and I am greatful for my right to bear arms.
How does the NRA help me?