It all depends on how many show up in each color on saturday. My original intention was to have Rebel Union as a smaller team on green, and the few straglers in street clothes in green, not tons of guys, it would defeat the point of the scenario. Green will be smaller, if that involves moving some players around so be it. Tan will be in the base camp, and will remain there, so logic would say that you should have a pretty good idea who is on your team. Plus you have to remember that tan is going to have massive losses when I commence the first attacks on the base. To be perfectly honest, our objective will be difficult and there is a certain chance of victory for the tan nation, but keeping enough soldiers alive to fight us off will be no walk in the park. My guys are going to unleash hell........ And judging by my experience through the years I would suggest that you take the extras Joe, your going to need them.