What part of IT IS ILLEGAL do you not understand? The law does not care if you are responsible. It only cares that you are a minor who, by legal definition, CANNOT be held responsible for his or her actions. Period.
I don't care if it barks or quacks. If it's going to get airsoft banned by disregarding all statutes then I have a problem with it. Yes, I remember perfectly well what it was like to be a teenager and I remember WAITING to drive, shoot, buy guns, etc. It's why I appreciate what I have now.
Perhaps it is not your personal attitude, but it was you who expressed it, and that's why I responded to you as I did. The idea that "minors will simply continue to do it" is exactly why juvy halls are always full and why future crime rates are expected to rise. Be better than the crowd of disobedient punks for whom this is nothing more than a rush. We, the adults in the sport, are the ones who have something to lose, and we love it. Just follow the rules. You have much, much more freedom with laws than you do without them. Don't believe me? Go run a red light during rush hour, and let me know how free your cell feels. This is no different. You are a minor. Airsoft is not a sport intended for minors without the DIRECT supervision of a parent. For my part, I freely admit to having tried many times to limit these boards to adults only. The Forum owner, Paco, is a nicer guy than I am and feels that minors can gain a lot of good knowledge by being able to view the posts and perhaps ask a question or two. So be it. You, and all other minors must understand that this is a board full of adults, with families, careers, and a lot of years on you. We don't like "Net-speak" or teen jargon or repeating the exact same info every single week. I don't speak for everyone here, but this is a growing sentiment in the airsofting community. If you want to learn things or check out pictures of the guns, etc., there's no harm in that, but when you play in open disregard for the will of the public and the CLEARLY implied intents of given laws, you're hurting your future chances of even having a sport to play when you are legally old enough to do so.
Pardon the book, but this is to all minors here and I've been away for a while...had some catching up to do.