I would recommend getting a CYMA or Echo1 (maybe JG, i'm not a big fan of them) AEG that you like (P90's, MP5's, M4's, MP5K's, all do pretty well in CQB, just get something you like aesthetically). Both makes have metal gear boxes and both are great quality (for the price, but probably a step under TM). Then if the power out of the box is too high (which chances are it will be), you can get an m100 spring for about $10 and swap it out. The swap is pretty easy, there are many guides on how to do this. That is probably your best bet. I think CYMA guns are cheaper than E1, but E1 is my favorite out of all the "All China Made" (ACM) AEGs. I own 3 E1s, none have broken down so far. I am sure people's opinions will differ however.