So, I guess I forgot to post up here when I registered. :oops:
I'm Dan "LP" Tyler, Secretary of Mile High Airsoft.
We're a college team up in Prescott, AZ.
My collection:
King Arms SR-16 with a madbull JP rifles front end kit, tbb, 490 fps (.20), full-auto disabled
JG Sig 552 (uh... well... kinda, not working at the moment, see post in troubleshooting. ](*,) )
WE MEU (maybe a one-off shooting at 400fps or so with .20's and propane. :twisted: )
So yeah... if you want to know more, just ask.
If you want to meet me and the team... Let me know and I'll tell you what upcoming events we will be attending. (Or better yet, let me know that you want to come to our game on November 7th.)