As we get closer to the date, we would like to remind everyone that this AO is far away from home. Check, double check, make lists, etc.....don't let this game be the one where you forgot an essential item that stopped you from playing. If your camping the night before, make sure to bring plenty of water and blankets since this AO is in a higher elevation and also be sure to keep your AEG batteries warm as the cold will sap their energy quickly.
Make sure that you try to get through chrono as efficiently as possible, this is what usually makes things start off late. Hang out, BS with your buddies AFTER chrono.
Be prepared to go up/down a lot of hills. This AO is mostly hills and small valleys, with lush vegetation. Eat a hearty diet so your not one of the 'few' that drop out early cause you feel like you can't take another step. Bring plenty of water, you will get thirsty.
Radio comm is vital. You can easily lose sight of the enemy, so everyone being on the same page can make or break a game. It's also somewhat of a safety issue. This is quite a large AO, and knowing some....they will go FAR out of the way to flank an enemy. Should someone get hurt and become immobile, a radio would be their best bet (aside from screaming/yelling, and your vocal chords can only take so much).
This AO requires BIO BBS! You will be required to show them to staff when you chrono in and if your caught using non Bio BBs you will be ejected from the event. If you don't have any on hand or en route be sure to go harass Ron at Gearbox and buy him out
Looking forward to this one!