..Actually, it's my real name
There were about eight on each side the last game I played today. This joint would be insane fun with around 15+ players on each side. As it was, each match lasted 5, 10 minutes tops. The maze is hard to just "camp" in.. Whoever designed it made sure you could get shot from at least two directions (Sometimes three or four) at any place there. -Gotta keep moving!
It's easy to get turned around in there. I shot the same guy twice in about a minute..-He headed for an exit after I blasted him, got lost and wandered right in front of me again OOPS.
Heh heh..
Okay, I hope we can keep a "Who's coming" roster for each weekend there. Everybody getting together on the same day gives the game a WHOLE new flavor.
Chip aka Mooncruiser