I can understand everyones apprehension. But you're getting things you normally don't get when you come to a built field. Also, I don't remember ever saying you've got to play in the big game, or the small games. I am pretty sure management would be totally OK with you taking a few of your friends off into the boonies and going at it. Or join the rest of the group. There is a lot of territory to play on. Also, something else Airsofters aren't used to, muzzle protection. Most of the time when a field opens and charges money, it has to get a business license, the ground zoned for airsoft/paintball/shooting and insurance. Damn insurance companies have rules. One of those is you have to secure the weapon in the pit. Barrel condoms. The field rents them for 2 or 3 bucks and you get your money back at the end of the day. Or buy your own. Command Post and APD will both have them. They double as really awesome slingshots or you can use them like rubber bands and bean your friend in the head when he's not paying attention.