Not sure whether to get this Intellect 9.6v 2000mAh NiMH Nunchuck Battery or a LiPo for my ICS M4. Still very new to airsoft.
The only thing worse than Intellect batteries are Sanyo NiCD's. I still don't understand why people use their batteries. I can get an equivilant mAh Elite for a similiar price and KNOW the battery pack is quality. IB may have a great reputation in the RC Car world for those who dont run their packs in short bursts, but Intellects simply don't cut it. Their cell chemistry is crap, their wiring and soldering abilities are crap, and the packs themselves are crap. I've seen more Intellects explode and melt under normal use than Sanyo NiCD's or LiPo's that where abused.
To go further into detail, the cell chemistry of Intellect batteries smaller than their Sub C's (which are tollerable at best, provided you get a working one) is such that they dont output enough Amps to supply the motor at 100%, therefore the voltage droops significantly because the pack is trying to put out more amps than it can supply. As the battery is dieing it can get very close to dangerous levels and be easily damaged. I've owned probably half a dozen Elite packs and never had this problem, yet I frequently see Intellect packs that simply wont hold a charge, wont charge all the way or are simply shit when comapred side by side to an Elite.
Cheap Battery Packs has stupid good deals on Elite cell packs. If you are going to stay NiMH go there and get an Elite Celled pack for a similiar price and know quality, if you go LiPo then I hope you plan on getting at least an 11.1v, because a 7.4v doesnt even compare to a large 8.4v or a 9.6v mini.
And yes, the term LiPo ready is a joke, a 7.4v puts less strain on your electricals and gear train than a large 8.4v. An 11.1v LiPo should be run with a MOSFET, for the sake of trigger contacts and longevity, and if you do get a LiPo, make dang sure to get one with enough C rating to output enough amps to supply the motor... some LiPo monitoring electronics is also a good idea for the smaller LiPo's.