Explain why you want to limit your amperage, other than so you don't blow out your fuse. I've got a 3300mah 25C (82a constant) battery and several 5000mah 30C (150a) constant batteries that have been used for extended periods. Your gun is only going to draw what it needs. As long as your gun can handle the motors maximum draw, going past this doesn't hurt you in the slightest.
If you aren't sure your gun can handle it, is is the situation I was referring to. Many guns (such as most ICS and better guns) will have absolutely no problem. Ever. A JG however, will burn out the stock motor if you don't limit the amperage for it.
Many stock motors will go ahead and pull more amperage than they can reliably run. They will for a time spin faster, but will quickly wear out... start shorting their coils and pretty soon they'll be burnt out... at least partially. This will then increase their resistance, which will increase their current draw, which will then increase the rate of decay... and basically it's one big pile of steamy poo spinning around in circles contained only with a wet paper bag.
Well designed (or even halfway decently designed) motors will of course have no problem with this, as they will be designed to handle the max current they can draw, instead of being quickly and cheaply put together. I do agree that your gun will only take what the motor will use... but lower quality motors found in most stock configurations won't like working at 100%.
And I'll go ahead and say it... a lot of guns won't handle their motor's maximum draw. Mind you, most gears break during acceleration, not during constant loading... which is when available amperage is the most apparent, during initial acceleration... which causes impact loading and severe stresses.
Don't use a low quality motor, shim your gearbox well, adjust your AOE, and use a half decent piston, and you should NEVER have a problem mechanically due to the lipo. Mosfet and good wires and you won't have one electrically... due to the lipo.
I'm sorry if I was unclear and vague (I try not to put these big long-winded posts unless someone asks... apparently I speak in engineer and most people don't understand it).