I'll look out for some good zombie tracks and post them here.
everybody do that,
im takin 25 tracks, ropin them together on one cd and mixing in zombie noises from L4D, RE, H-L2 and any others i can find,
so far track list is:
28 weeks later;
|- Leaving england
|--in the house, in a heartbeat
|---the tunnel
|-a creepy Marilyn Manson track from the flick
|--zombie sounds(game)
|---main title theme extinction*
|----white rabbit(SPC Eco mix)
|-----I'm so sick (T-virus remix)
|------my world - emigrate
|-------Lazer tunnel*maybe*
|-Dead rising setting music
|--L4D 'train to miami'
|---(*secret* youl LOL hard)
|----zombie sounds + L4d sounds
|-----killing in the name of
|-------my Racooncity mix of zombie nation
|--------anything else you link me and makes the cut***
im going to link them all into 1 track and mix sound effects and fades into it, will make for good ambient creep/ psyc out music, itll get you pumped then itll make you super paranoid then youll tare it up or hide in a corner.
id like to do 4 hours worth of music or how ever much i can fit on a dvd