does anyone really care for the limits certain feilds put on guns. personally i dont care for them. its a game of realistic tactial situations. as long as youre wearing a full face mask the FPS shouldnt really matter. it does not hurt so bad that you need everyone to have identically performing guns, whats even the point of upgrading/customizing a gun if you wont be able to use it where you like?
You are a classic example of my old dick-up war scenario. In essence it is my belief that any play who: A: COnstantly Bitches and moans about field FPS limits being too low B: Try's to host games with an unreasonably high FPS limit, and then takes offence, and a defensive position when called on it, claiming others are "Just pussys" or "its perfectly safe"
Are the winners of dick-off contests with friends.
IE the ones that saw there buddies getting newer guns, or was sick of being the lowest fps regardless of performance, and thus, not using there noggins, this individual, or the group, summarily engage in an FPS race to see which of the dumb monkeys can outbuy/upgrade/or rig there guns to the highest fps the fastest.
This usually results in the dissolving of the group as personal rivalries and pain come into play, and either as an attempt to gain new players sympathetic to its cause, or to try and justify its actions, the winner of this high FPS dickoff, manages to wander onto the only resource he has left, the forum he ran across in his search to punch holes in the moon, and quickly puts his thoughts into writing, claiming he is the winner, and correct, because his gun shoots the fastest, and since his friends no longer can take it, they must be pussies, and unworthy of attention.
It is at this stage that the specimen decides to seek other players in "real" arenas, and begins to find several locale fields.
BUT, to his immediate dismay, when he looks them up, or arrives to play, they won't allow him to use his super FPS rifle!! And no one gives him the attention his tiny masculinity craves in compensation.
This leads him to assume that the field, like his old friends, is just a bunch of babies and weaklings, and that he is the only true airsofter among us, as only has a rifle that others are unwilling to play with.
And rather than take the time to admit his mistake, man up, and lower his guns fps, he simply stretches out in his arrogance, and lays his manhood from A to Z on the keyboard, and begins a typing FPS war with any who disagree.
That is the life cycle of the dickoff FPS contest airsofter, one of the many situations in todays world where the winner ends up as a total loser. (If they weren't before, usually 50/50)
I have found this theorem to be true in 8/10 cases.
FPS limits are there as a safeguard, and trust me, you do benefit from them. Also, many fields allow variable FPS, with MED and fire restrictions. And since the main part of a guns accuracy comes from the hopup and barrel, not FPS, within reason, a player doesn't need above a certain fps to reach out and hit his targets. Shredding bushes, and the use of a higher weight pellet are about the only two things that come to mind. 300ish ft is currently the wall, regardless of FPS.
Let me put this too you a different way.
I own a Dragunov SVD DMR. It is shooting the TAC legal limit of 620fps with .20 gram pellets.
At 150ft I can break a glass window, at point blank it can punch through both sides of a two liter plastic soda bottle, and some brands of bicycle tires.
DO you really want me to be allowed to hit you with that at whatever range I please? Seriously?
500Fps embeded a pellet into someones head at a recent vanguard game. (Thank god Ron is ok =D> )
What the hell do you think 620fps is going to do to you? With semi-auto, I can put several well aimed shots on a target in a matter of seconds, do you really want that coming at you from 5 feet? How tough is your skin compared with a soda bottle?
FPS limits are there to protect you, and all the other players around you. Airsoft is about HONOR, INTEGRITY, and general all around FUN.
Lets not destroy our core principles with a pointless FPS battle. We are there, to collect, show off our kit, and make sure everyone has a good time, thats what its all about.
Not seeing how badly you can hurt your friends with your stupidly upgraded rifle.
Play smarter, and think of the safety of others, and how it pertains to every action you take, and you will go far in this sport.
But more importantly, get out there and have some fun. Safe fun for everyone.
Its what this sport is all about.