So I was thinking of posting a question from one of my homework assignments to help exercise the brains of this community every so often (probably as soon as someone solves the question). The first person to successfully post the answer gets a mystery prize (and it'll be something tangible, not internet cookies). Most of my questions will be chemical engineering related, but not always. The winner will be announced, as well as the prize, as soon as I receive the correct answer. Serious contestants only. Do note you will also be competing against members at TucsonAirsoftCoalition.
So let's start off:
Difficulty: 1/10
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Chemical Equilibrium
For the following gas phase reaction in equilibrium at 500 K, it is found that A is 10% dissociated at 10 atm pressure:
A(g) = B(g) + C(g)
Where A, B, and C are all vapors. Assume ideal gas behavior and calculate the percent dissociation of A at 440.6 degrees F and 760 torr.