I actually have an ak beta from cybergun, And its probably one of my favorite guns. I havent really done anything with it, but it works awsome and does the job i need it to. But i will agree they are overpriced and not the greatest. But i kinda like cybergun.but, thats Just my opinion....but anyways. I think the team name needs alittle work. [smilie=armata_pdt_11.gif]
I have a second hand CYMA/Cybergun re-brand Thompson for 'teh lolz' and have taken out as many people as I have with any AEG. The problem is the company Cybergun unlike say Echo 1, brings nothing to the airsoft community except lawsuits and higher prices for all (before anyone says trademarks, they have the lamest trademarks I have ever witnessed). While Echo 1 re-brands like crazy, they do support the community and don't go throwing lawsuits around like crazy.
As for that team bio....epic lolz. :lol:
Edit the color scheme of the website into something more appealing, use a spell/grammar check, use more information and photos, and keep things simple. Poor grammar, spelling, lack of photos, information, lame hype about your team, etc. is just going to end in nothing but you being torn to shreds by the airsoft community.