i have an ECHO 1 AK 47 RIS and JG M16 RIS that i need to get rid of. AK has 3 4 inch integrated rails and the M16 has a 12 inch free float. need em gone cause i have to many guns right now and would like some money possibly another gun. the AK ive had since March and has been in 3 games, it has a m90 spring for vanguard play but the fire selector is a little loose. other than that its good. the M16 ive had since april and has only been shot a couple times. it is in perfect condition and could be an amazing field gun, dont need this cause i dont play field games, only CQB. both very nice guns, come with battery and wall chargers.
Im asking $85 for the AK and $120 for the M16 or $175 for Both
i might take a trade for a nice CQB blowback.
email me at
parksrosbrook@yahoo.com if you are interestesd