id like to get a feel for how many airsofters are in the east valley. i know theres an East valley airsoft forum but that thing is dead. im going to be finally having some time to airsoft now but i see that most games are 1 hour + away from where i live... not very appealing to drive 2+ hrs both ways for 4 maybe 5 hours of gameplay.
Im in the same boat except I am near ASU, and even worse I do not have a form of transportation except my trusty longboard and not so trusted valley metro. All my buddies have gone off to the military and im left with noone to airsoft with, and my funds are tight. But If you are looking for someone to help share fuel costs (seeing as its rumored to be break 4 dollars in the near future) so traveling a longer distance isnt nearly that bad.
My weekends are busy this month with mid terms and moving, but I wouldnt mind getting some action, its been way to long since i've gotten the trigger time. You can Pm about any up coming games you are wanting to go to, and I can see if i'll be able to make it work.