Facebook might hate freedom, but it's still going strong here.
does a balaclava and goggles count as full face or do we need to have a mesh lower
The field is on the west side going nort on 107 of the old hatfield is it.
Alright, Just so everyone knows, HERES THE MAP.https://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=W+Hatfield+Rd&hl=en&sll=33.708026,-112.300658&sspn=0.014744,0.033023&geocode=FcxTAgIdsmtO-Q&t=h&mra=prev&z=16Just park where the cars are, or alittle bit past them. We play on either North side of the road, or south. Depends, or we may do both.Image:If you need more directions, or help, just PM me.NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY ACCESS HATFIELD FROM N 117TH DRIVE, dont get on Hatfield from N 107th AVE, there are some concrete barriers setup to stop people from driving through, no idea why.
I would come but my snipers scope broke. I'm a no go unless I get a new one.
Update!! It looks like we need so more tan for tomorrow's game.