Roster updated.
Current as of 12/03/12 at 20:14.
We are at 79 not counting staff. 32 Green to 33 Tan. We will see if any others RSVP in the next few days and then we will divide up the undecided players (mostly DH members) to keep the teams even. Truly appreciate everyone's willingness to help keep the roster tidy.
Remember, ACU maps to green and MC maps to Tan for this evolution. Please make sure to keep your uniforms the appropriate colors (tan all tan and green all green; no mixing) so we don't have any blue on blue confusion.
Radios are HIGHLY recommended. If you don't call in objectives you don't get points. Also, be sure to setup your gear and hydration so you can be in the field for prolonged periods. This will not be a situation where you can play for 30 minutes then go back to the cars to bullshit and reload. We will have a break but it will be after the evolution is complete and scores are being tallied.
Make sure you have reviewed the FPS limits, we will have several chronos setup to check people in. We would prefer to have it go quick and smooth and not have to send people back to swap out guns. We will also have admin staff not playing and checking weapons/responding to issues. Please show up to have a good time and don't game the rules or be poor sportsman. If that's your normal M.O., so us all a favor and bow out now.
Last but not least, I'll check the Santa Cruz later this week and get back with a status on whether it is unusually high/low.
Thank you all again for your support.