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Quote from: wolfenblaze on December 06, 2012, 11:18:14 AMADD Me for Undecided. I got a ride now out there. hmm woodland or Desert. tough choice. Also any tips on what too carry up onto the sasco hill. I got my self a alice medium pack with frame. The hill wont be in play, we will be at the alamo site, just east of the normal area.Water was a little high. Trucks with clearance should be ok if they take it slow but I'd avoid low clearance or cars.
ADD Me for Undecided. I got a ride now out there. hmm woodland or Desert. tough choice. Also any tips on what too carry up onto the sasco hill. I got my self a alice medium pack with frame.
how deep is dose it get exactly. dose it move too fast for a human too wade through it with gear.
Quote from: wolfenblaze on December 07, 2012, 12:11:20 AMhow deep is dose it get exactly. dose it move too fast for a human too wade through it with gear. you shouldn't have to do that. i know more than a few AA'ers would be more than happy to ferry you across..i would offer you a ride, but i'm carpooling myself..