SAT was a blast! I like this spot ALOT!
A couple ideas to help smooth things out.
1. The field had to be reduced to protect the public getting cars and people hit. Hanging some items from the fence to keep rounds from traveling to outside the areas. The southwest corner of fear farm had items we could use to cover the fence(if the owner gets us premission to use them) or we can get cardboard or tarps. I live close if you need a extra set of hands PM me.
We were
told there wouldn't be any more soccer games this year, but I think I heard the owner has plans to set up nets like at Fightertown. It wasn't supposed to be a problem.
2. REFs a vest(orange?) or Armband to ID Refs when they are on the field as Refs and not players. A couple games Ref were walking around with pistols on which lead to confusion are they playing or not. One Ref told a player the player was dead the Ref had shot him three times in the back. We never saw him playing. How are we to know if they are playing or not? We want them to have fun to.
We're actively looking for vests, right now we only have one. We're just trying to not pay full price if we don't have to; the one we have was bought at Goodwill.
3. REF Location For Ref Safety If we could resriction the Refs to the outer areas of the playing field that would help. Severval times Refs would walk into the middle of a fire fight resricting one side or the other from shooting without hitting the Refs.
If refs only stick to the outside of the field, it limits our view of what we can see going on in the middle of the field. If a ref gets in your way, wave at them to move, or if they aren't looking, yell. I personally had tried to keep out of firefights, but everyone makes mistakes, and I did wander into some hidden player's line of fire once or twice. We're sorry, but it happens. It's a necessary evil.
4. A break down of times posted on this site and at fear farm. Chrono from this time to this time. Safety Brief from this time to this time. It will help everyone know when the 1st game will start and will reduce wait time and keep the players who are ready happy.
We'll look into that, but it doesn't really allow for late arrivals if we shut the chrono station down after, say, 9:30.
These are just suggestion to help get as many games in as possible. My 2 cents Thanks