Author Topic: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013  (Read 15647 times)

Offline HWG-Victor

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The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: January 08, 2013, 03:49:14 AM »
Four $20 Ticket Left! We reward early registration. Get your tickets today and avoid paying a higher price.

Havoc War Games is pleased to announce our next large scale event...

The End of the World
Saturday March 30th, 2013
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Be sure to arrive before 8:30 AM to allow plenty of time to setup and check in. Safety briefing starts at 9 AM.

The Sandbox -

$10 early registration - first 10 people to reserve a spot get in for the cheapest price. SOLD OUT
$20 registration - spots 11 - 20 , 4 tickets left
$30 registration - spots 21 - 30 , 10 tickets left
$40 registration - Day of the Event

Roster (If you want to be on the official roster, be sure to secure your admission ASAP by purchasing your admission on-line)
V. Simpson - embedded staff playing
Z. Simpson - embedded staff playing
Mooncruiser (C. Johnson) - Lifetime Member
Xavier Mace (A. Harris) +1 - Paid
Bob Z Moose (C. Rowland) - Paid
C. Baker - Paid
Birdman (J Williams)  - Paid
Reaper (D. Pipoly) - Paid
E. Windsor and guest - Paid
N. Noble - Paid
C. Hough - Paid
Blacklotos (A Spart)  - Paid
N. Tyson - Paid
J. Oniel +1 - Paid
C. Fullerton - Paid
J. Dengel - Paid

Intereseted, but not yet paid:
Fung Li

Estimated Player Count 20

Required Equipment
Sealed eye protection
Primary Weapon: AEG
Optional Weapons (not required): Pistol or Shotgun
Supplies (you are limited to one of each of these supplies at the beginning of the event. These supplies will be hidden along with you AEG and mags in your secret stash):
   Gallon of Water (gallon or 3 liters of a drinkable liquid other than alcohol)
   Gallon of Gas (Red gas can filled with water)
   A box of dry food such as cereal, mashed potatoes, rice, etc... be creative, the better the food, the more likely you can trade it
   A sealed bag of .20 or .25 BB’s (4000 to 5000 count) to use for trade or to use to reload. Everyone is limited to one bag.
   Need more ammo? Steal or trade for it! If you shoot more than 4000 BB's, might want to bring some spare batteries too.

Rental equipment is available. A complete kit (gun, mask, tactical vest, 2 magazines with 500 bbs) is $40. Or, you can rent each item individually (gun $25, mask $5, vest $5, 2 magazines with 500 bbs $5).

Register and Pay Admission On-line Now:

Spaces Available: 50

There are no formal “teams”.  Players must decide to survive the end of the world on their own, in small groups, or join the Collective, a group dedicated to restoring order and balance to the planet.  To join you must turn in your remaining supplies to the Collective’s collection point. If a player dies, he will join the Marauders, a band of merciless road warriors whose only goal is to take what you have, even if it’s your life.

There are no uniforms.  Wear what you think you should wear the day after the civilized world ends.

Intent of the Game
The End of the World is intended to be war simulation game in which participants engage in role-playing various combative forces.   The purpose of the game is to have fun and the outcome of the game is based solely on the participant’s actions and not a pre-planned outcome.  The game plot and scenarios have been provided to give participants a framework that they must choose to follow and to what extent.  We encourage the participants to engage in activities that would motivate the different factions in order to make the game flow as close to the plot as possible.

Back Story
The end of the world has come and you a few survivors were lucking enough to survive Judgment Day by seeking shelter the day the bombs fell. Luckily you have prepared for an event like this ahead of time and kept a small amount of supplies located in a secret stash point that you must get to from your bomb shelter as you have already exhausted your supplies in your bomb shelter. You have stored enough food, water, fuel, and ammo to survive at least a week after Judgment Day at your secret stash, but in order to survive longer you must figure out a way to gather more supplies.  The most obvious, yet most dangerous is to take them from someone else. You can risk stealing supplies from someone else’s stash, join with others in small bands to pick off  those weaker than you, or join the Collective,  a group dedicated to restoring order and balance to the planet, but to become part of the Collective you must turn over your worldly possessions, other than your weapons, for the greater good of mankind.  To join, you must turn in your remaining supplies including: gallon of water (or similar liquid, no alcohol), bag of BB’s, your box of dry food, and your gallon of gas to the Collective’s collection point. You will be issued a marker that will designate you as a member of the Collective and for the remainder of the game you will fight as member. If at any point during the game you “die” during an episode, you will re-enter the episode as a Marauder. The Marauders are band of merciless road warriors whose only goal is to take what you have, even if it’s your life. They tend to hunt in packs and scavenge the land to recover any useful resource they can find, but what they really covet is fuel. The only way to die during an episode is if you run out of supplies to trade for medical supplies to heal you. You must be carrying your supplies on your person if you get shot in order to trade your supplies for the medical supplies.  If you can aquire medical supplies after being shot, then you will be able to heal yourself for another chance at survival.

Episode 1: Survival
You will be randomly placed in locations and must emerge from your bomb shelter.   You cannot be wearing any tactical gear, backpacks, pouches at this point.  You must make a quick dash to your stash of supplies which should include: your AEG, mags loaded with bb’s, one box or container of dry goods (dry food of any variety), a gallon of water (soda, ice tea, lemonade, etc are acceptable, NO ALCOHOL), a bag of bb’s , and gallon of fuel (Red gallon filled with water). You may only be armed with a pistol or shotgun at the start of Episode 1.   Get to your supplies, gather what you need, and decided to: shelter in place, move to another location, team up with other survivors, or start assaulting other survivors for their supplies. If you get shot, the only way to re-enter the episode as a survivor is to turn in one of your supplies to the school for medical supplies (food, water, bag of BB’s, or gallon of fuel). Once you run out of supplies to turn in to the school, you may only re-enter the episode as a Marauder. If you are a Marauder and you get shot, you may re-enter the episode as a Marauder from the Marauder’s outpost located just outside of the city.
Episode 2: The Marauders
If you managed to survive the first hour, then you have lived long enough to hear the rumors about a band of merciless road warriors whose only goal is to take what you have, even if it’s your life. They tend to hunt in packs and scavenge the land to recover any useful resource they can find, but what they really covet is fuel. They are a dangerous sort, intent on surviving by taking what you have. If you get shot and get taken prisoner by the Marauders, you may only re-enter the episode as a survivor if you still have a gallon of gas to trade for medical supplies from the Marauders. You will then re-enter the episode from the school’s medical bay found on the north side of the school which is also known as the admin area. If you don’t have a gallon of gas and are taken prisoner, then you re-enter the episode as a Marauder. If you are a Marauder and you get shot, you may re-enter the episode as a Marauder from the Marauder outpost.

Episode 3:  The Collective
If you have managed to survive the 2nd hour, then you have lived long enough to hear the rumors about a group known as the Collective, organizing at the local school.  They are a band of like-minded people with good intent, trying to organize and collaborate to restore order and balance in this new apocalyptical world.  In order to join, you must turn over all your worldly possessions other than your weapons, and work together for the greater good of mankind.  But most importantly, you need to work together to guard your stash of supplies, especially from the Marauders who hear the Collective has a large quantity of fuel stored at their collection point in the school. If you are part of the Collective, and if you get shot, you may re-enter the episode as part of the Collective from the medical bay on the north side of the school in the area known as the admin area. If not, you will re-enter the episode as a Marauder. If you are a Marauder and you get shot, you may re-enter the episode as a Marauder from the Marauder outpost. If you are a survivor and get shot, you may only re-enter the episode as a survivor from the medical bay if you have any supplies left to trade for medical supplies from the Collective. If not, you re-enter the episode as a Marauder.

Episode 4: Fight to the Death
If you have managed to survive the 3rd hour, then you have lived long enough to know that the only way to survive to see tomorrow is to join a group.  If you stick out alone you are sure to die, as the Marauders and the Collective have now gathered large quantities of men and supplies and are at odds with each other. If you chose to remain on your own, good luck, but if you’re smart, and you still don’t want to join the Collective or the Marauders, then you better hook up with other survivors to survive this last big battle between the two opposing forces who are intent on eliminating each other.  Supplies are running short, and if you get shot, medical supplies are almost nonexistent and you will have to join the Marauders to fight against the Collective.  If you are part of the Collective, and if you get shot, you may re-enter the episode as part of the Collective only if there are enough medical supplies left to heal you. If you re-enter the episode as part of the Collective, you re-enter from the medical bay.  If there are not enough medical supplies, you will re-enter the episode as a Marauder. If you are a Marauder and you get shot, you may re-enter the episode as a Marauder from the Marauder outpost.

Hit Rules
Any hit on the body counts as a hit.

Helpful Hints
Consider bringing a back pack or somesort of bag to carry your supplies with you as you move. If you get shot and don't have your supplies on your person, you won't be able to exchange your supplies for medical supplies to revive yourself as a survivor.

Consider trading with other players for items of value.  The more valuable  your food item or drink (1 gallon of water, could also be a gallon of ice tea, or gatorade, etc .... no alcohol please), the more likely you can trade it for someone else's gallon of gasoline which will be useful to revive yourself in Episode 2.

You may carry as many supplies as you can physically carry on your person.  So if you can collect more than 1 can of gas or bag of BB's, be sure to steal it from someone else during the game.  The only time supplies cannot be stolen are during the first 15 minutes of Episode 1.  After the first 15 minutes have passsed, you may remove items from someone's  unattended bag, container, cart, etc, but do not steal their bag, container, cart, etc.  Also, guns and mags are off limits. Never steal or use someone's guns or mags without their explicit permission for the entire game.  Remember you can only steal items that are left unattended, never off someone who is in direct contact with their items (arms reach or carrying their bag/container). If you die, you should leave your bag or container of items where you were killed, in plain site so that others may scavenge your through your supplies.

The only ammo you can use for the entire event is the BB's in your supply container, the mags you carry on your person after you retrieve them, or the spare mags in your supply container.  If you break open your bag of BBs, you cannot trade it in for medical supplies. An open bag is only good for reloading mags or trading with others for non-medical supplies.

Chrono Limits
AEGs must chrono under 375 fps using .25 bb. For chrono, staff will provide the .25 bb's.

8:00 AM - Gates Open at the Sandbox
8:15 AM - Player check-in begins
9:00 AM - Safety Briefing
9:30 AM – Episode One Mission Briefing
10:00 AM - Episode One Begins
10:45 AM – Episode One Ends
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM Break
11:00 AM – Episode Two Mission Briefing
11:15 PM – Episode Two Begins
12:00 PM - Episode Two Ends
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM Lunch
12:30 PM - Episode Three Briefing
12:45 PM - Episode Three Begins
1:30 PM - Episode Three Ends
1:30 PM - 1:45 PM Break
1:45 PM – Episode Four Briefing
2:00 PM – Episode Four Begins
3:00 PM – Episode Four Ends
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Clean Up and Depart The Sandbox

The event age restriction is as follows:

18 years old or older, no legal guardian required to be present.
Younger than 18 years old, a legal guardian, parent, or relative must participate with you for the entire duration.  No unattended minors.  They must be on the field.

Waivers will be sent to out to registered participants and must be signed and dated by a legal guardian for those under 18.
Waivers can also be found at: under the section "Please note..." near the bottom of the page.
For those 18 years old and older, you will be required to sign and date waiver if you have never been to The Sandbox. Waivers will be emailed with event information several days prior to the event to those who have either pre-paid on-line.  Waivers will also be available at The Sandbox the day of the event, but in order to get through registration as quickly as possible we ask that you fill out the waiver before arriving.

There will be no magazine restrictions, but mid-cap and standard cap magazines are encouraged.

There will be no gun restrictions, including for polarstars and similar type airsoft guns, you must provide a tournament lock to ensure your weapon cannot be adjusted on the fly with ease.

All weapons must chrono at 375 fps and below with .25 BBs that we provide for the chrono. For the event, you may use and size BB. No FPS exceptions. Spot checks will be made after and possibly during a mission to ensure field safety.  If you are caught with a gun firing over 400 fps on the field or after a mission, that gun must be removed from play. If the gun chrono’s over 450 fps, you will be removed from game play and asked to leave.  No refunds.

Do not test fire your airsoft equipment in the staging area. Use the chrono station to test fire all equipment. You must have sealed eye protection or shooting glasses at a minimum to test fire or stand within 20 feet of the chrono area.  Shoot in a safe direction away from the staging area and avoid shooting if anyone is visibly present directly in front of you or within 180 degrees of your firing position.

Keep all airsoft weapons unload, magazines out at all times, guns on safe, fingers out of trigger well, and guns pointed away from people at all times until game time.  Before starting any mission, staff will ensure all participants are wearing sealed eye protection before announcing “Field is hot! Field is hot! Field is hot!” You may load magazines and set weapons to fire.

Do not move or engage targets until staff announce “Mission is a go! Mission is a go! Mission is a go!”

Play terminates when staff announces “Terminate Mission! Terminate Mission! Terminate Mission!” You must remove your magazines, clear all weapons by firing at least three clearing shots, and putting your weapon on safe. Do not remove eye protection until staff verifies everyone has cleared their weapons and set them to safe. Staff will announce “Field is cold! Field is cold! Field is cold!” You may now remove your eye protection.

During the game, if there is a real world emergency, use the code words “Blind Man! Blind Man! Blind Man!” to alert everyone to the emergency. Everyone should stop what they are doing, put their weapons on safe, and take a knee.  Wait for further instructions from staff before resuming the game. If the emergency is false or not serious in nature, the game will resume shortly.  If the emergency is serious (death, significant injury such as eye loss, broken bone, snake bite, etc) the mission will end and players will move to the staging area while staff addresses the issue and determines whether or not to end the event in order to handle the emergency.

No real world weapons allowed on the property. This includes all firearms, knives (more than 4 inches in blade length), machetes, axes, etc…)

Do not step over, go under, cut the barbed wire fence. Use the gated entrance to enter and leave the property.

All guests must park on the outside of the barbed wire fence. Only staff members may drive their vehicles on the property or guest with explicit permission from the staff.

Use the restroom facility to relieve yourself. Do not relieve yourself on the field.

Any violation regarding these posted restrictions or any other stated by a staff member could have you excused from the property depending upon the severity of the infraction.  Any unsafe conduct or behavior determined to be inappropriate in nature as determined by staff may also have you excused from the property.  If staff receives serious complaints about another guest’s behavior such as but not limited to excessive cheating, swearing, malicious intent to hurt someone, destruction to anyone’s property… staff may excuse you from the property. Please be considerate of others and just try to follow the rules and have a good time, and we are sure nothing needs to be escalated to the point of having to ask you to leave.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 12:01:47 PM by HWG-Victor »

Offline Mooncruiser

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 05:42:53 AM »
Sign me up Victor! This is badass.
~~ All men should know before they die, what they are running to, and from, and why ~~

Saguaro Airsoft Team

Offline birdman

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2013, 11:00:43 AM »
Fuckin' A, I'm with Chip on this one! Sign me up!
Team Manaconda
Don't dick with us!

Offline Bob Z Moose

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2013, 11:08:51 AM »
I'm so in for this shit, Mad Max style.
Team Manaconda
Don't dick with us!

Offline Mooncruiser

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2013, 11:16:24 AM »
Now, if we can get Exerach to play, it'll fill up the bomb shelter...
~~ All men should know before they die, what they are running to, and from, and why ~~

Saguaro Airsoft Team

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2013, 11:22:35 AM »
Im up for it
\"Friendly fire isn\'t\"
If a speeding pellet in a quiet woods hits a noob in the face, and he cries, does anyone care?

Offline birdman

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2013, 03:48:34 PM »
Well our crew is complete. Us four vs. The world.
Team Manaconda
Don't dick with us!

Offline Mooncruiser

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2013, 03:51:25 PM »
"GRRRRROOonk...SLAM.  -the Bunker is closed..."
~~ All men should know before they die, what they are running to, and from, and why ~~

Saguaro Airsoft Team

Offline Bob Z Moose

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2013, 03:57:55 PM »
Bird, bring your phone and charger. We're gonna need some metal for the end times.
Team Manaconda
Don't dick with us!

Offline XavierMace

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2013, 04:22:23 PM »
Registered +1

Offline Mooncruiser

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2013, 04:32:42 PM »
When we rob you during the game Mace, we're taking not only your slide rule, but the pocket protector, too...
~~ All men should know before they die, what they are running to, and from, and why ~~

Saguaro Airsoft Team

Offline XavierMace

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2013, 04:37:48 PM »
Yeah, you'll have to get past the pair of DSG 249's first.  :p

Quick clarification on the supply stealing...

As stated (for obvious reasons) the guns/mags are off limits.  But what about BB's?  Even if you don't use them, being able to snag ammo could turn the tides.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 04:39:22 PM by XavierMace »

Offline mongoose85051

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2013, 04:50:52 PM »
sounds awsome, im in! plus 1
oh, what if one of my team uses a dmr or sniperrifle???
On the Hunt....

Offline birdman

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2013, 05:02:15 PM »
Bird, bring your phone and charger. We're gonna need some metal for the end times.
Die motherfucker die, motherfucker die!
Team Manaconda
Don't dick with us!

Offline HWG-Victor

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Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2013, 05:45:54 PM »
You can steal bbs from an open or unopened bag. Also you can only trade unopened items including bbs for safety concerns. We don't want people sabotaging items.

Sniper rifles must chrono under 450 fps and must not be used inside of buildings for cqc purposes. You may shoot from a building at targets more than 50ft away. 50ft min distance in the open desert as well.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 05:50:14 PM by HWG-Victor »