Sundays at Fightertown are the way to go. You'll meet 200% more "good shooters" in one day out there than a month at VIP. It will also put your skills to the test.
Best way to form a "team" is to go to games (i.e. ones posted here), meet people, and make friends. If you like playing with each other, you'll most likely end up want to play with each other more. A team is born.
You obviously haven't had much luck at VIP (why else would you try to be recruiting through AA), so maybe skip it this week and try out a new place. There's 2 Fightertown games this weekend and Tempe Airsoft and Paintball gets a good number of players during the weekend. As a wise man said "Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity." Mix it up!