May I suggest that airsoft is really not the activity for you, especially not at our field due to its remoteness. As for the snark remark, please understand that your original post smacks of sarcasm and works to undermine the efforts and concepts that Mike and I have thoughtfully and carefully designed into our events. Thanks for your support, but with a post like that, who needs enemies!
As the title of our new endeavor implies, Marauders Adventure Group, is about living out an adventure utilizing airsoft equipment as one of the many means of having an outdoor combat experience. If our events were about winners and losers, the name of the new company would probably be Marauders Competitive Airsoft Games...
Marauders Adventure Group is intended to provide participants a military simulation adventure for customers who appreciate a higher level of "game" design, sophistication, props, special effects, use of vehicles, so that no matter the outcome of the event, they truly come away with an experience that they would not typically find a regular airsoft venue. This event is not intended for the typical AA player, but rather someone who is looking for something bigger and more complex, something to challenge, yet reward them for taking their "game" to the next level of military simulation. I must stress this over and over again, as Marauders Adventure Group is not for the weak, inexperienced, half-hearted airsoft player, but rather someone who longs to do something more than just Death Match, Capture the Flag, Attackers vs Defenders...