Hio guys!
Well, its getting colder out! And that means its game time!
I was looking into the logistics of hosting a multiple day game, and while I am still working on the details, wanted to gauge any interest in such an event.
Ideally, this would be an arrive friday, setup and hangout, then begin in the AM on sat. early. Play for the day, offer a night scenario, and then have a concluding event on sunday, and let everyone get out of there by 1pm or so.
Arrive saturday and play is an option as well.
Two teams, historical-ish scenarios.
I was thinking along the lines of the desert raids of WW2, in a more modern setting. IF I can find a good 1950's desert scenario (Historical) I would use that.
Focus on teams keeping there areas down, and moving with a plan, rather than sgww shootfest.
I have a lot of heart, and a ton of ideas, but, it is just spitballing at this point/
Anyone interested?