the XM8 is a hardcore upraded G36. In case you dont know, it disassembles quickly, you can take off certain parts, add another to change its roll completely. Add a longer barrel, and a different optic, bam sniper rifle. Add a longer barrel with a built in bi-pod, throw in a cmag, bam LMG. Add an even shorter barrel than normal, bam, cqb rifle. add a different barrel with a built in grenade launcher dealie, bam good battlerifle. Its very versitile in comparison with the G36. Also, if you havent seen the videos, the weapon can be fired from one hand. I know it wont be as accurate, but wounded soldier can still fight even if he has lost an entire arm. Plus the recoil has been incredible reduced in comparison with any G36, or M4 type. the XM8 isnt my favorite weapon or anything, but its pretty great.