The minute man is not a new idea. It's been used for centuries in our country. It's now been turned into a bad word by the bleeding hearts of our society.
It is our way of taking control of our country. It is, after all, the citizen's right to provide and protect, his life, liberties, and properties. If our elected officials and federal government won't do there part, that we the people have delegated to them, then we take it from them and do it our selves. Where do you think the feds get there power, some crystal ball?
The sad part is, if it's not taken care of now, its' only going to get worse, and then we could just let our kids take care of it the bloody way. And apparently our government is not interested in the will/safety of the people, ie prop 200.
I see no other way to let the feds know that we are serious about our gapping borders, save a run on the capital.