Whenever I go shooting around three points, I always have a colt .45 loaded and holstered (not concealed - not old enough for my ccw). I have no idea who I might meet out there. I've found over 10 abandoned vehicles with my uncle back in that area. We reported every one we found to the border patrol until they flat out told us to quit calling them since they are obligated to arrange removal once it is reported in. Ten bucks says most those vehicles, literally left out in the middle of nowhere, are not left there by "joyriders". More like Coyotes and Drug dealers. The amount of trash from the crossing illegals is just incredible, too. Its pretty obvious that the border patrol isn't catching alot of these. I'm not worried so much about most of the illegals - most are just people simply trying to make a better life for them and their families. The problem is the 1% who are hard-core criminal types and possibly *shudder* terrorists. As far as being mistaken for a "hunter", thats why you let the border patrol know you're out there. I could be wrong, but I think the border patrol has a volunteer "watchdog" program already running. Let me know if anyone can confirm/disprove this.