I am Ganef, I used to be spectre on the old forumns but due to technical problems I could not get to my old e-mail adress in time and when i went to sign up with my old name, it was taken...bastard! so after $8 in new nametapes I am ganef, nka, b-pos. I am an eagle scout and played airsoft before I served a mission for my church in east africa(kenya, ethiopia). i have since returned and jumped right back in to the sport I like. I am a student of mechanical engineering at ASU and have always been fascinated by military go-faster gear. I admit I had a eagle tac-3 detachable vest, but now I have a RAV. I thought for a while about paintball, but like the realism and honor of airsoft. I also want to sharpen important gunfighting skills and understand perhaps a little bit of what it means to be in the military. My gear is posted on the gear board. I worked as a welder and machinist and Raith dissuaded me when my homemade steel tappet plate for my mp5 just did not work right. Raith and Kurn and I went to JH school with me and we have been friends ever since, of corse over the 2 years I was gone they have excelled in AA rank where I have not. I am dedicated to airsoft in az and will be around for a while. Feel free to hit me up for welding projects, I am always looking for a job to do.