The names Immer. 17 years old soon to be 18. Been interested in airsoft for about 5 years now, but never really have taken the time to get into it. Friend of mine buys airsoft pistols and rifles every once in a while, I try em out and enjoy them. He recently bought 2 GBB and I think its time i get into buying a rifle and/or gun of my own. we've shot each other before in small 1v1 skirmishes. thats the most experience we've both had, im looking into really digging deep and getting into this airsoft community and hopefully get into some big games and learn a lot of stuff at the same time, I live in Tucson, and as we know(ppl of Tucson) it can get pretty boring here, at least for me, so im looking at this as a new hobby i plan to take all the way.