I dont mean to offend you (the current military guy's or vet's or even wannabe military personnel), but an infantrymen is really not that hard to do when you see what other tough men(Green beret's, the Naval's special warfare's SEALS, USMC's Force recon, Or the ever great, 1st Delta) are all above most infantrymen's skills, marksman, logic, toughness, determination. Therefore, infantrymen are needed(valued) just as much, still they would all probly be dead right now by some terrorist, because the didnt have any intel on the situation(plan) of it. Although I am only 12 year's old, I have determined to go to the military, And have thought many times about being an officer or enlisted and if I should give a shot at being one of the U.S.'s elite special forces. Sorry if i had been a little off topic, But my whole point is to say that being an infantrymen is not close to the hardest thing in the military, And that is not that hard to become compared to other harder, tougher, and more menataly stressed jobs of the military. Although I am only 12, i can do about 60-80 push-ups at a time really easily, run miles for fun(exampe- after my practice mile run in my P.E. class i semi-rested for a while then started running for a bit loniger cause i got bored, also i did a 7 min. 14 sec. run) I can do about 60-70 curl-ups per minute(the real one's). I challenge you men out there to try to go through elite-or special force's, if you complete it, I will Believe you are a man of unquestionable strength, determinability, and when and if, ill even send you a penpal every so-often with your favorite candy or something.
please do not quote me on this- if u have a question or complaint, please pm me. Thanks -Matt-