Let me ask you a Question, Would you rather have 17-18 year kids who have no direction join the servise cause they are pretty much loosers(Not talking about any of you guys but 75% of the younger guys join up just to get away from home)
Or a middle aged man Who tasted life and made a decision to give up his life stye to defend our great counrty
I know there excepts to both sides
I would rather Enlist then have my son go!
Good point, Dave! It's easier to go, then to send someone else, especially if it's your child.
I will say that in Basic and AIT I ran into alot of the kind of guys you talk about. Late 20's and thirty-somethings with a wife and kids that watch the war on TV and decide to do something about it. I applaud them! While alot of guys DO join up to get away, the percentage is not as high as 75%. In fact, I'd say it's more like 10% from what I've seen. Some guys get in trouble, and go from job to job so they join up as a means to straighten up and serve their country. I see nothing wrong with that, and they are by no means any less of a soldier than someone like me who has planned on joining since I was a kid.
After all, that's what makes this all-volunteer military so great - guys from every walk of life working together to defend what they love. I for one would love nothing more than to simply take my freedom for granted. What these older guys are doing, however, is just the opposite - fighting to keep what they know and love!