BLM land is probably the safest land so far for airsofting. Usually we have to deal with state land BS at some places, but all of the places that most of arizona players play at already is BLM, unless its privatley owned by a player or is given permission by th owner to play on.
Ive actually been scouting for an area around mammoth AZ, for a while, but I havent seen much on BLM land. The river that flows parallel to highway 77 looked like a prime spot, but most of it was owned by wildlife management, and in many cases was too close to farms or houses. I had a densly vegetated AO in mind, and from the looks of it this place seems pretty good to me. Ill have to go and check it ot for myself sometime when I have some free time. I wouldnt mind the stretch of dirt road, as my vehicle can handle it. If we were to hold an op there we could simply encourage people who dont have rough terrain vehicles to possibly carpool with those who do.