Facebook might hate freedom, but it's still going strong here.
I you don't want to wait several hours to download it, I suggest getting TrueDownloader and then paste "http://www.gamespot.com/cgi/chkpt.php?s=6127244&c=demo_ftp&u=http://basic.gamespot.com.edgesuite.net/action/battlefield2/Battlefield_2_Demo_GC.zip" into it.It will download MUCH quicker.
Its gunna be big I was one of the first people to download so I didnt have to wait, But as of right now all the links are full. BTW, The graphics are extremely nice. I'll try and get some screen shots, only 12 days till full launch.
If anyone wants to set up a teamspeak or ventrilo channel for this one, count me in.
Those are programs where if you have a microphone for your computor you can talk to anyone in the world. The program lets the host set up a channel and others can join the channel so they can talk to each other while playing online games, or just to talk. The best thing is they are free. As for talking it works like a radio, only one person at a time can talk.
Well its been awhile since I have used one. Last time I used one the only one was Roger Wilco. If you guys play AA let me know as I play that from time to time as well. By the way the new Water Treatment Plant map is mostly offices and barely any water treatment. None the less I was kind of disappointed.