RGR, reason is that evilpbers will come and mess it up. or the People at the ranch HQ will be upset. causeing us to be kicked out of that area. called TREAD LIGHTLY!! really I got yelled at for outrunning the border patrol truck only to be asked "wheres the rest of your group" I told the officer, the others got tired went back to the support truck, officer said keep on the road no hideing your ATV in the bushes. + dont go off the road unless Iam barrelen by. The officer didnt mind that I took him for a ATV theif,. but I asked him if its ok to play out here and ya its cool*clean up make sure its neat so the next person has to do their part.
the Forest Rangers&border patrol are very calm on some matters, they count everybody. not to mention they also look in your cars for hidden immigrents. 1 to 3 people missing out of a group that just passed them, they'll come looking.