Author Topic: MOTHER****ERS! (London Bombed)  (Read 7277 times)

Offline Surplus man

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« Reply #45 on: July 08, 2005, 12:33:19 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Surplus man »
I saw this plug was in my wall here and then i noticed that your house was glowin like THE FRICKIN SUN! So, i uh put 2 and 2 together here and decided that your pissin me off...


Offline Greg

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« Reply #46 on: July 08, 2005, 01:34:23 PM »
Quote from: "leadmagnet"
Quote from: "USMC-Greg"
Why don't you people stop your petty forum squabbles and political hard-on's at least for this thread?

Greg, I'm surprised at your reaction to this conversation and I consider it unfortuante that you consider discussions regarding the approach our nation takes in response to acts of terrorism to be "petty forum squabbles" and "political hard-ons".  Particularly at a time such as this when it is so important that we discuss such issues.  That type of head-in-the-sand mentality is what has gotten us into this mess in the first place.  Well, that and a world full of a$$holes.


Well, I'm not saying that what you said was petty. That part was aimed at the usual crap busta and surplus were flinging at eachother.

I didn't want to get into a debate in this thread. It started because some people were venting their anger with "turn the middle east into glass" comments, which in turn obviously pissed you and a few others off, so you vented back. Then people started really debating (as opposed to the venting that had gone on before) and mudslinging started.

My point with the post that you were just replying to was, why the hell can't we just figure out what happened and mourn what we lost before we start bitching at eachother. Every thread goes downhill given enough time, but I kinda hoped more serious ones wouldn't as quickly.

Take any debate to another thread, like the other one I created, or start a new one.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Greg »
-Greg of Christian\'s Team


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« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2005, 02:02:53 PM »
Unfortunatly, the london bombing are probably going to have the Spain effect.
Spain got bombed and the pussed out. I will bet there will be an outcry to disassociate England from the USA and our policies.

What in the hell is going on with this planet anyway?

Do you know that millions(billions) of US taxpayers dollars were sent to Iraq-and are now unaccounted for? But lets scuttle social security, and NOT have public helth plans.

I have a good pal who believe the USA will be taken down soon, via monetary manipulation. such as Gas prices/trade embargos/monertay exchange rate manipulation.
No war-just make the USA go broke--hmmm........
My personal worry is that all the countries that despise the Great USA will get together and gang jump our ass.
As it is now, we have been signalling that we are militarily shorthanded/strapped for funding to supply the war machine, and I would rther thinkk that only 4 USAF aircraft were insuring the safety of the entire Eastern coastline on 9/11, that it would be easy to stab us in the butt, so long as we have our pants down around our ankles, and bent over.

We as a country seriously need to get rid of all the ass kissers in power, who want to be diplomatic with mad dog radicals and terrorists.

I personally cringe when I go into a store and there are people in there mumbling in some froeign language and dressed up in some attire that would look OK if they were in some 3rd world shithole.

When will we see the first suicide bombers here?
How long?
How many scumbags are walking into the USA from Canada each day?

man, it has to stop. America needs to get its shit together and become a strong nation, unafraid to call something the way it is, rather than hide it behind some policically correct terminology.

I remember when they had that chool massacre in russia--Chechen rebels--um.......Islamic radicals (if there is any difference)
Why try hiding the fact they were Islamic retards?

Man, we definatly need some REAL Americans right about now, where is John Frickin Wayne, or General Patton?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by FLASHinAZ »

Offline bohica6

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« Reply #48 on: July 08, 2005, 03:21:29 PM »
I beleive that this attack will stiffen the resolve of the Brits.  Some on here will remember the late 70's and the early 80's.  Bombings in Great Britian were not uncommon and back then it was a Terrorist organization backed openly by alot of Americans.  The Brits held their course in Northern Ireland and I hope they hold on with the US.  

What I think is sad, is how some people back in the states are saying we are all alone, or noone supports us. Here is my view, from the Koreans here providing Medical support to the Poles clearing Mines, the Slavaks building runways and every other nation here in Afghanistan they are proud to stand up next to Americans and do the job.  Given we do most of the fighting, but it has always been that way in all of our joint ventures.  Honestly, the US fights because we are the absolute best at it.  No other Military in the World can match us.  Noone!!!  
Also, I just hope that those in America who think we can be taken down by $3 a gallon gas or the threats of Terror remembers one important fast.  The US feeds the world.  If the US stop all food stuff exports....  The world would starve.  As far as Gas, I have lived in England and Japan where they pay $4 a gallon...  They survive...  The US will survive!!!
Sorry if this rambling
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by bohica6 »
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« Reply #49 on: July 08, 2005, 03:41:42 PM »
Flash, I wish you would be more selective with the statements you make like, people speaking foreign languages and dressing different.
Most of our families did not speak English when they got here.  I know most of our families made a great effort to assemilate in to the populas, but it sure ain't a law that you got'a...  Remember, right now there are guys and girls who speak just enough english to get in the Military, fighting for the US.   Please don't take this as a flame, I new on this forum and would hate to start up something bad.
In my MOS I work with alot of native speakers, so I am kinda protective of them.  
Heck, I were a yarlmuka under my MICH...Shalom!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by bohica6 »
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Offline Doc Hollywood

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« Reply #50 on: July 08, 2005, 05:09:02 PM »
note - Islam, in its correct form, FORBIDS the attacking of christians and jews, because, both are lesser evolved forms of Islam.  Its not Islam that is the problem - its the freaks hiding behind Islam (NOT that different from the Baptist Majority and other political activist groups in the USA, or the klan or others) as a justification to do what they do. These terrorists are NOT true followers of Islam.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Doc Hollywood »

Offline Greg

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« Reply #51 on: July 08, 2005, 05:13:58 PM »
Quote from: "Doc Hollywood"
These terrorists are NOT true followers of Islam.

Exactly. It's all explained in my GWOT thread. Now how about some of you youngin's go read it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Greg »
-Greg of Christian\'s Team

Offline leadmagnet

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« Reply #52 on: July 08, 2005, 05:18:58 PM »
If there is going to be any editing in this thread, I say is should be Flash's ignorant and bigoted comments on Islam.  Well, unless he is open to talking about Christian retards.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by leadmagnet »


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« Reply #53 on: July 09, 2005, 12:50:33 AM »
As far as speaking english, My grandparents came over in the boat from some portion of Russia/Poland/?? My father was born OVER there, he spoke only a few words-mostly for cooked food-and I do not speak any foreign language-not even my supposed native country of origin.

Point is, My forfathers came to America for a better life, they reaised my father to be an American, and he raised me as an American--that is why they came here.

Far too many third world pukes come to America, refuse to speak or learn English, refuse to talk/teach thier childern English, and run around and act like they are still in the third world.

As far as my comments on Muslim/islamic females all dressed up in native garb, again, this is America-they want to be here to seek a better life-fine--but look and act and speak like an American.

I have been to fat too many 7/11's in So Cal where the Hindu guy running the cash register has his wife and kids living on a rug behind the counter cooking curry.
This destroys the basic American value system, and if we as a nation continue to allow the gradual degradation of what being an American is all about--then America will soon be just another overloaded third world country.

I also have to say--so long as I got on the shit list with this, that in light of the "EXTREMIST ISLACS" committing Murder and mayhem in the name of Allah & Islam--that wearing suck clothing in America, is a form of a statement. As I siad-I welcome all to a better life here, but if you are here, then speak and act like you belong, be American!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by FLASHinAZ »


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« Reply #54 on: July 09, 2005, 01:14:08 AM »
I'm right behind you Flash.
You guys, he's stating all facts, how can you argue with that?
On the oil issue, don't we have some "doomsday reserves" of oil in Alaska still?
If we were just a little more picky when it comes to politicians. With the hippie crap, and PETA, this country is starting to degrade. The day may soon come where there may be another civil war, giving anyone the opportunity they need to invade.
We need to preserve this great nation.
Afterall, didn't we fight off the British when they tried to dictate us back in the young years of the US?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by -Wraith- »

Offline ninjacito

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« Reply #55 on: July 09, 2005, 03:20:16 AM »
Quote from: "FLASH"
I welcome all to a better life here, but if you are here, then speak and act like you belong, be American!

So, instead of suicide bombing for Allah, they should act like Americans and kill their schoolmates who are Christians, but not for Allah -- just because they wanted to.  

Please -- you need to learn more about the world.  Using huge overgeneralizations about countries and nationalities is ignorance.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by ninjacito »


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« Reply #56 on: July 09, 2005, 08:23:06 AM »
You can't compare suicide bombings and school shootings. Especially branding the shootings as just American.
What he's saying is, if you don't try to fit in, you won't. Especially if you don't bother to learn the language. Hell, most Americans, when they move to other countries, learn their language. Why can't they learn ours?
I am not racist or anything like that but damnit, we're dancing around an issue that needs to be addressed and politicians won't grow balls to stand up and take care of these things. Do we need more people to die in order to prevent more? Eye for eye?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by -Wraith- »

Offline Bucket

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« Reply #57 on: July 09, 2005, 09:10:31 AM »
I do have to agree with Wraith and Flash. I personally know several people who have come here from South Africa, Russia, Poland, Germany, and Croatia, all of them came here to better thier lives. They came here leagally and have pushed themselves to learn the language. Many of them still have very strong accents and some still slip into thier old tongue when speaking but once they catch it they quickly correct themselves.

The ones I have a problem with, much like Flash are the ones that come here and don't even try to learn the laguage and prefer to stay among people from thier own country. We all have our roots in other countries from one point or another, myself I have Scott-Irish, and German. My Great-Grandfather was from Germany, before he came to the US he started learning American english. He didn't have a real good grasp on the language but he tried harder and finally got a grasp of it. I remember my Grandfather talking about how my Great-Grandfather wouldn't even let the common tongue of germany be spoke in his home so he could be sure that his family could speak english.

Now this may sound racist to some but it isn't meant that way. If it sounds it, take a good look at how you really feel about the issue. Normally the one to fight the hardest on a subject is usually the one who is trying to repress the same feeling within themself. (Notice I said Usually.) At least from a psychological standpoint.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Bucket »

Offline leadmagnet

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« Reply #58 on: July 09, 2005, 11:28:59 AM »
Quote from: "Bucket"
Now this may sound racist to some but it isn't meant that way. If it sounds it, take a good look at how you really feel about the issue. Normally the one to fight the hardest on a subject is usually the one who is trying to repress the same feeling within themself. (Notice I said Usually.) At least from a psychological standpoint.

I get disheartened at all the bigotry I see in the airsoft community.  We seem to have a much higher concentration of it than even the community at large.

And yeah, Bucket.  Same with homophobes.  We all know THEY are closet gays.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by leadmagnet »

Offline bohica6

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« Reply #59 on: July 09, 2005, 12:10:57 PM »
Wow, These guys really know their stuff when it comes to impact of Religion and Ethnic customs on social conformity.  I wounder if they thought about the enviroments in which these people were raised.  A tribal system, were they allowed their tribal elder to make decisions for them.  I wonder if they thought about how different our Western culture must seam to them and how for the sense of security they remain in close nit communities.  If you actually look at how tribal societies adapt to the Western life styles, it's not really a wake-up in the morning and bang I am wearing a suit and tie.  Often it is not until the last generation that was raised in the orginal tribal system has passed that the later generations will fully intergrate into the local community.  Not always but often...
Don't forget the Religion part!!!! It's huge...

"Liberty is the air America breathes . . . In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential freedoms . . . freedom of speech and expression . . . freedom of worship . . . freedom from want . . . freedom from fear ."

As for saying these people will destroy the American way of life... What is the American way of life?  Is it Bling, bling and pimp'n, is it 4X4's and Budweiser, is Hockey and snow machines???  The day there is no room in the US for some one who willing wishes to wear a Burka, Shamag or having there britches sagging to their knees then that little Declation signed back in 1776 will have no meaning.  

For Flash: So should I trade my yamulka for a baseball hat?   Or is it only Islamic and Hindy cultures that pisses you off.  Oh wait, but if you get rid of them then who's next...  mmm....

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
-Emma Lazarus
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by bohica6 »
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