You have the right i dea ill do that tonight, i should have dont that in the first place, he said it was ok for me to use his picture, he even offered to send me some more pictures, iam sorry for the trouble, we are all about airsoft, that is just where we stand you know, we aernt going to drill it into your heads or even pressure you about it, we are just letting people know what we belive, and i dont appreciate any of the posts in the other threads that mock me or our team, i mean i thought most of you guys were mature, i hear you guys always going off about maturity, some of you need to listen to your own advice, but MAD sarge thanks for your input ill just take the pictures and put them in a spot like u suggested thanks, oh yea and we aernt and organization and we aernt going to run out in airsoft games throwing bibles at you and saying convert convert, we have our beliefs you have your beliefs if you dont like that then thats your problem dont send me messages persecuting me and trying to throw down our beliefs, Jags87