Location: 107th Ave. and Hatfield rd. (West Valley)
When: Sunday Oct. 2nd
Min. Age: 16 -Under 18 sealed eye protection required
We will meet at the circle k on the N.W. corner of 107th Ave /Union Hills at 6:00 am and leave to the A.O. at 6:30 am
It will be mostly semi only games. There may be a pistols only game also.
All guns will be chronoed, FPS limit will be 400 with .20 bb's
Snipers will be limited to 500 FPS with a 50ft. no shoot rule (single shot rifles only)
Rubber grenades will have a 10ft. kill radius
Nerf howlers will have a 20ft. kill radius
Teams will be Tan vs. Green - PM. ME WITH YOUR PREFERENCE
Bring PLENTY OF WATER,charged batteries, red death rag