Their citizens will get what they deserve.
So now, only 3 classes of citizens have the ability to carry a gun.
Cops, security guards, and criminals.
Serving your country is not a bad thing, unless you are a liberal I guess.
Damned straight about that! Thats just what I was going to say.
"When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!"
What the hell is wrong with the great USA? We are giving up rights and fredoms so fast its beyond conception.
I saw where some senatorial turd is pushing to have ALL US citizens medical records on a computer, so when the supposed bird flu strikes, the feds will know who, where, and when, and can the order quarantines quickly.
I am ALL for disease prevention, but computerized records...NO
I never have felt comfortable with the term "Homeland", too much like der fatherland, and with the way those fatcats in power are just lying to us, and bending us over, what is next?