Actually I did mean it in a legal way, so... owned. You can prove how mature you think you are but age is age in the eyes of the law. If you are over 18 and not mature then it is legally not anyones fault but your own when you do stupid sh*t.
Maturity at age is debateable, but leagal responsability and liability isn't. By agreeing that some "non-adults" (under 18) are mature and responsable enough to come out to games without parental consent and supervision, we are essentially opening up the floodgates to legal trouble.
yeah, I'm sure you WERE talking in a legal sense, since all the posts before had nothing really to do with legal, but how you acted. SO, if you fell like you must make up something to make yourself fell bigger in the eyes of a 16 year old, you do that buddy!
Also, (I think it was in the letter from an earlier post/link) but when you can drive, you can't really play anywhere else. And what do you expect us to do? We sit and play video games and don't really run around, we gain some weight and the Gilbert school district has a new "Healthy Food Program". We use paintball guns, a ball shoots wild and hits a house, we're in trouble for vandalism. Some of the people are too young to drive and that means they're only choice is a greenbelt down the street.