I've been eyeing buying my first AEG on and off for a while. Due to several financial problems, I have been set back a few months, but now with it all settled I am finally after my first AEG. One gun that has always been a favorite of mine is any of the G3 series, my favorite being the SG-1.
I am looking into the TM version and just wondering how durable it is, as I most likely will not upgrade it, and if I do minorly, nor do I "plan" to put it through great stress. I am just wondering what people's opinions are on the gun's durability, longevity and ability to match up against others in these games.
All help is overly appreciative.
Also, is this a reliable place to purchase?
http://www.precisionairsoft.com/item22.htmedit: Also, can different brand mags fit?